Cool Nature Quests
New Jersey Audubon invites you to our first-ever themed summer nature quests that you and your child can do at your own pace…in your own space. Learn about New Jersey’s amazing animals, explore nature in your neighborhood including puddles and grassy strips. Learn some outdoor skills, tips and tricks to make all your explorations fun!
Our statewide team of educators has over 150 years of combined summer camp and environmental education experience.
We look forward to exploring our neighborhoods with you and taking your children on a Nature Quest around New Jersey!

Each camper receives a printed nature guide and access to the online videos related to it by trained teacher naturalists

Four Amazing Quests to Choose From:
Choose one or choose all – each quest comes with a 40 page booklet
Amazing Animals
New Jersey is home to so.many.animals! And many of these can be seen right in your own yards or local parks. Migrate with the birds, meet our education animals, Captain Jack and Ginger, make your own jumping frog, create your own fish and learn about common mammals in the neighborhood.
Crazy Crawling Critters
You don’t have to travel far to find cool crawlers! Don’t squish that bug, instead let’s look a little closer. Whether exploring your yard and neighborhood, rolling a log, shaking a branch, or wading into wetlands there are fascinating critters ready to be discovered. We’ll also have a chance to meet a “living fossil”.
Water Wonders
Go with the flow! Explore how water travels through winding rivers and streams and acts like sponge. Visit the beach to discover who lives in salt water. Play in puddles and find out “who” may visit. See how animals live in their watery world and have a frog concert.
Outdoor Adventures
There are many ways to enjoy nature. Let’s learn how to be responsible as we explore. Learn how to build a shelter and set a trail. Learn where you may find fish and how to catch them with homemade tools! Use the sun to tell time and cook treats! Make art and play games with your shadow! Experiment with the sun to make a plant dance!
Each Quest package includes:
A themed 40-page booklet with information and activities appropriate for children ages 5 to 12, mailed to your home.
Exclusive access to fun online videos.
Admittance to NJ Audubon’s FamilyQuest that turns families into citizen scientists and connects your children to our naturalists and Quest Community.
Ideas for taking Goldy, our Quest mascot, out into the neighborhood!
Guided opportunities to earn a NJ Audubon Junior Naturalist certificate.
Access to our NJ Audubon Nature Quest Community for sharing your discoveries and adventures.

Pricing and Options:
$70 members (NJ Audubon/Cape May Bird Observatory)
$100 non-member (includes an introductory $30 family membership)
Scholarships are available for basic Quest cost; please email [email protected] to see if you qualify
Additional Opportunities and Add-Ons:
Personal Guided Nature Walk: Schedule an appointment to take a guided nature walk with one of our naturalist teachers at a NJ Audubon center. Limit 1 family per appointment. Cost $50/hour
Purchase our exclusive Goldy T-shirt. Why white cotton? Decorate it, tie dye it and share a photo when out and exploring. (Mails under separate cover). $20/shirt For a limited time t-shirts come with each registration
Have more than one child? Each additional magazine – $15 (we know children like to have their own!)