The standout day this week was without a doubt Friday November 8th. It was a classic fall day in Cape May; brisk northerly winds and cool temperatures. The kind of weather all hawkwatchers look for in the forecast and circle on their calendars. The birds did not disappoint either! Diversity…...
Montclair Hawkwatch Update- October 24th
This week, Turkey Vultures continued to be the most numerous raptor migrant. Notable days for this species were the 21st and 23rd, during which 73 and 43 individuals passed over, respectively. The majority of these individuals caught thermals together in groups of five to twenty birds, often forming dark masses…...
Avalon Seawatch Update – October 13th
The week of October 7th through the 13th was dominated by a nor’easter, with four days of strong generally northeastern winds with some flooding around Avalon. Despite this seemingly good weather for seawatching, not much of any flight was observed, continuing the trend of our slow season. However, Tom did…...
Montclair Hawkwatch Update- October 17th
As the season continues to progress with changing weather and shorter days at the Montclair Hawkwatch, the assemblage of migrants and local birds has also shifted. Temperature has stayed consistently below 60 degrees, and rain has been a bit more regular. Strong gusts of wind that occurred throughout the day…...
Avalon Seawatch Update – October 6th
The week of September 30th through October 6th got off to a great start, with Tom Reed having an excellent flight of Lesser Black-backed Gulls (19), Parasitic Jaegers (43), and Laughing Gulls (3414). This week also saw our first Great Cormorant, Greater Scaup, White-winged Scoter, and Black-legged Kittiwake for the…...