Leaders: Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard, Deb Payson Temp: 63° F Winds: 15-20 mph Weather Conditions: 29 species Species Count Canada Goose 3 Mute Swan 24 Mallard 8 Mourning Dove 2 American Oystercatcher 2 Killdeer 3 Greater Yellowlegs 1 Laughing Gull 13 Herring Gull 8 Great Black-backed Gull 1 Forster’s Tern…...
Birding Cape May Point – April 16, 2022
Leaders: Kathy Horn, Roger Horn, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: 57° F Winds: SSW 18 mph Weather Conditions: Hazy, high clouds There were a lot of birds over the water this morning, with diving Northern Gannets and flocks of Double-crested Cormorants and scoters. Purple Martins are setting in in the boxes by…...
A Meadows Afternoon – April 15, 2022
Leaders: Jackie Parker, Alan Crawford, Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard, Chris and Gerry Dewaghe Temp: 53° F Winds: Weather Conditions: mostly sunny 40 species Species Count Canada Goose 4 Mute Swan 2 Blue-winged Teal 11 Northern Shoveler 9 Gadwall 6 Mallard 7 American Black Duck 4 Green-winged Teal 4 Black Scoter…...
Higbee Beach Birding – April 15, 2022
Leaders (7:30am): Chris Marks, Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard Temp: 61° F Winds: W 2-4 mph Weather Conditions: clear 7:30am Group 35 species Species Count Mallard 4 Mourning Dove 4 Laughing Gull 10 Herring Gull 3 Turkey Vulture 4 Osprey (carolinensis) 1 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Bald Eagle 2 Red-bellied Woodpecker 3…...
Migration at the Point – April 13, 2022
Leaders: Brett Ewald, Chris Marks, Mary Watkins, Emily Miller Temp: 64° F Winds: light winds Weather Conditions: mostly sunny 46 species Species Count Canada Goose 1 Mute Swan 2 Mallard 2 Surf Scoter 29 Black Scoter 35 Mourning Dove 9 American Oystercatcher 2 Laughing Gull 38 Herring Gull 10 Lesser…...
Birds of Nummy Island – April 13, 2022
Leaders: Shaun Bamford, Chris Marks, Cindy Bamford Temp: 64° F Winds: S 10-12 mph Weather Conditions: partly cloudy Nummy Island: 4:39pm 23 species Species Count Brant (Atlantic) 150 Bufflehead 3 Red-breasted Merganser 5 American Oystercatcher 6 Black-bellied Plover 5 Whimbrel 4 Dunlin 250 Greater Yellowlegs 3 Willet 3 Laughing Gull…...
Hidden Corners of Belleplain – April 12, 2022
Leaders: Shaun Bamford, Mary Watkins, Bernie Hodgdon, Cindy Bamford Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions: cloudy Cloudy morning, fairly quiet. Good viewing of Yellow-throated Warblers. A 10-minute lesson in the call of the Louisiana Waterthrush but he remained well hidden! Also had 3 Guinea hens, presumed escapees. 39 species Species Count Canada…...
Birding the Meadows – April 11, 2022
Leaders: Bill Boyle, Karen Thompson Temp: 45°- 50° F Winds: 0-2 mph Weather Conditions: sunny Incredible Bald Eagle show with two young birds interacting in the air and several adults. Virginia Rail popped out for photos right next to blind. Migrating gannets and cormorants continue. 53 species Species Count Canada…...
Sunset Beach: A Place for all Seasons – April 10, 2022
Leaders: Ruth Bergstrom, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: 46° F Winds: NW 15 mph Weather Conditions: partly cloudy 30 species Species Count Gadwall 4 Mallard 8 American Black Duck 6 Green-winged Teal 4 Surf Scoter 15 Black Scoter 20 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 2 Greater Yellowlegs 10 Ring-billed Gull 2 Herring Gull…...