[Above: American Kestrel #5039 of the day migrates past the Cape May Hawkwatch, establishing a new single-day record.] Weather: A memorable day as the cold front and remnants of Michael departed over the Atlantic, with variable clouds ushered past on strong NW winds that gusted to 50mph during the early morning.…...
CMBO Daily Roundup – October 11, 2018
Weather: Yet another summery day with highs reaching 80ºF at various locations, even under mainly overcast skies. Scattered, heavy rain showers moved north across the peninsula primarily during the morning hours; much more rain is expected during the overnight as Tropical Storm Michael arrives with a strong cold front. Migration counts: Morning Flight…...
CMBO Daily Roundup – October 10, 2018
Weather: A very warm October day, with afternoon highs reaching 80ºF at a number of locations. Skies were mainly sunny and winds were steady from the S/SSE, light in the morning and gradually increasing through the day. Migration counts: Morning Flight (0649-0934), Hawkwatch (0700-1700), Seawatch (0704-1828) Banding: 5.5 hours (0635-1205), 46…...
CMBO Daily Roundup – October 8, 2018
Weather: A seasonably mild and mainly overcast day with areas of fog during the morning. Winds were steady from the east at about 10mph throughout. Migration counts: Morning Flight (0647-1032), Hawkwatch (0700-1745), Seawatch (0702-1831) Banding: 6.5 hours (0630-1300), 101 individuals across 17 species (+1 recapture only). Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo (2), Least…...