Important Bird and Birding Areas
Whittingham Wildlife Management Area

IBBA Site Guide

Sussex County
Coordinates: N 41.0073
W 74.7992
Skylands: Appalachian Mountains

Area: 43,280 Acres     

Habitat: Mix of upland forest, forested wetlands and shrub-scrub

Site Description: The Whittingham Wildlife Management Area (WMA) spans Andover, Green and Fredon Townships near the southern end of Sussex County. The Pequest River bisects the site’s forested wetlands, emergent limestone wetlands, scrub-shrub and deciduous, coniferous and mixed upland forest. The Springdale and First Time Fen Natural Heritage Priority Sites, a large limestone wetland complex and pond fed by numerous alkaline seeps, constitutes a significant portion of the WMA. The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) Johnsonburg Swamp and Muckshaw Ponds Preserves protect a series of limestone sinkholes and ponds at the southern and northern end, respectively, of the WMA. The site also includes Whittingham Cedars, an eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) forest that provides valuable habitat for wintering raptors.

IBA Criteria:
Conservation Concern – State-endangered (B)American Bittern, Pied-billed Grebe
Conservation Concern – State-threatened (B)Barred Owl, Long-eared Owl
Conservation Concern – State-special Concern (W)Long-eared Owl
Regional Responsibility Species - BCR 28 Forest (B)Acadian Flycatcher, Baltimore Oriole, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Gray Catbird, Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, Worm-eating Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo
Regional Responsibility Species - BCR 28 Scrub-shrub/BarrensAmerican Woodcock, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, Field Sparrow
Long-eared Owl
Long-eared OwlPat Sziber
Birds: The rare limestone wetlands and ponds of this site provide essential breeding habitats for the state-endangered Pied-billed Grebe and American Bittern. State-threatened Barred Owls and Long-eared Owls and state-special concern Cooper’s Hawks breed throughout the mixed forests and forested wetlands. Other species of concern breeding at the Whittingham WMA include forest interior birds such as Cerulean Warblers, Veeries, Winter Wrens and Black-throated Green Warbles as well as shrubland specialists such as Brown Thrashers and American Woodcocks. This site also provides exceptional wintering habitat for a variety of wintering raptors including Barn Owls, Long-eared Owls and Northern Goshawks.

Conservation: The protected habitats of Whittingham WMA and TNC’s Johnsonburg Swamp and Muckshaw Ponds Preserves are surrounded by agricultural lands and by increasing residential development. Nonpoint source pollution from adjacent agricultural and residential lands can degrade and dilute the mineral rich waters of the limestone fen. Expanding residential housing also results in increased groundwater withdrawal which further threatens these globally rare limestone wetland communities. Nearby development should consider the proximity to this wetland and the potential for altering water both above and below ground. Privately-owned portions of this rare, sensitive limestone fen community should also be prioritized for acquisition and habitat restoration. Forming cooperative partnerships with local landowners is an effective strategy to implement habitat restoration projects on privately-owned lands. TNC, for example, is working with a tenant farmer to retire several fields adjacent to a limestone sinkhole and a forest restoration project. Periodic disturbance in the form of grazing, flooding, fire or clearing is recommended to prevent succession to a forested community. Management recommendations include selective cutting of woody species followed by herbicide application to prevent re-growth. In addition, terrestrial buffers should be maintained to filter water flowing into the wetland and provide nesting and foraging habitat for wildlife. Forest health is further threatened by a growing number of exotic pests, tree diseases and overabundant deer. Invasive species are also reducing habitat structure by outcompeting native vegetation.

Additional Information: Site Report
Atlantic white cedar forest
Atlantic white cedar forestJohn Parke