Important Bird and Birding Areas
Celery Farm Natural Area

IBBA Site Guide

Bergen County
Coordinates: N 41.03768
W 74.122
Site Map
Piedmont Plains: New England / Mid-Atlantic Coast

Area: 139 Acres     

Habitat: Primarily nontidal wetland with a mix of upland forest and shrub-scrub habitat

Site Description: This small island of primarily freshwater wetland is located in the center of Bergen County, a heavily developed area of northeastern New Jersey. This municipally owned site is composed of a mix of freshwater wetland, deciduous forest, fallow fields and open water. The Fyke Nature Association, a volunteer group dedicated to preserving undeveloped tracts in Bergen County, manages the Celery Farm Natural Area with the Borough of Allendale.

IBA Criteria:
Conservation Concern – State-endangered (B)Red-shouldered Hawk
Conservation Concern – State-threatened (W)Long-eared Owl
Conservation Concern – State-special Concern (SM)American Bittern, Pied-billed Grebe
Long-eared Owl
Long-eared OwlKevin Watson
Birds: Over 240 bird species have been recorded at the Celery Farm Natural Area. Breeding bird species at this site include the state-endangered Red-shouldered Hawk. Spring migrants include the state-special concern American Bitterns and Pied-billed Grebes. State-threatened Long-eared Owls, Cooper’s Hawks, Sharp-shinned Hawks and American Black Ducks also winter at this site.

Conservation: The site is actively managed to control invasive species. Nonnative flora occurring at the Celery Farm Natural Area includes purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and multiflora-rose (Rosa multiflora). The NJ Department of Environmental Protection releases chrysomelid beetles at the site to control purple loosestrife. Multiflora-rose is controlled by mechanical removal. In an effort to protect water quality at the preserve, all storm drains leading to the site are marked with signs that read, “No Dumping – Drains to Celery Farm.” Volunteers from the Fyke Nature Association are responsible for maintaining footpaths around the preserve, three observation platforms and the nesting boxes.

Additional Information: Site Report
Celery Farm Natural Area
Celery Farm Natural AreaKevin Watson