Important Bird and Birding Areas
Beaver Swamp Wildlife Management Area

IBBA Site Guide

Cape May County
Coordinates: N 39.14228
W 74.80178
Site Map
Delaware Bay: New England / Mid-Atlantic Coast

Area: 5,081 Acres     

Habitat: Forested wetlands surrounded by mixed upland forest

Site Description: This forested wetland site is surrounded by mixed upland forest and is a major component of the largely contiguous, forested central corridor of Cape May Peninsula. A dam and Clint Mill Pond, the freshwater pond at Beaver Swamp Wildlife Management Area (WMA), are what remain of Clint Ludlam’s saw mill that once manufactured lumber for housing and shipbuilding. The Beaver Swamp WMA is appropriately named after a population of beavers that had inhabited the pond until the dam began to erode. The site is part of the Cape May Corridor Natural Heritage Priority Macrosite (NHPM). The nearly contiguous wetlands and adjacent upland forests of this NHPM are one of the state’s most significant natural areas designated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

IBA Criteria:
Conservation Concern – State-endangered (B)Bald Eagle
Conservation Concern – State-threatened (B)Barred Owl
Regional Responsibility Species - BCR 30 Forested Wetland (B)Acadian Flycatcher, Kentucky Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Wood Duck, Yellow-throated Warbler
Regional Responsibility Species - BCR 30 Mixed Upland Forest (B)Acadian Flycatcher, Black-and-white Warbler, Blue Jay, Broad-winged Hawk, Carolina Chickadee, Common Grackle, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Gray Catbird, Great Crested Flycatcher, Kentucky Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Northern Flicker, Scarlet Tanager, Tufted Titmouse, Whip-poor-will, Wild Turkey, Wood Thrush, Yellow-throated Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Louisiana WaterthrushJim Gilbert
Birds: State-endangered Bald Eagles and state-threatened Barred Owls breed at the Beaver Swamp WMA. This site also provides essential habitat for forested wetland and mixed upland forest breeding birds.

Conservation: In 1992, restoration of the dam at Clint Mill Pond was completed to preserve the lake to ensure the availability of foraging opportunities for the site’s nesting Bald Eagles and other wildlife. Fragmentation and loss of the adjacent privately-owned habitats threaten the integrity of the WMA and the Peninsula’s nearly contiguous, forested central corridor. Residential and industrial development continues to expand in Cape May County. Protection and restoration of privately-owned lands can be achieved by promoting state and federal habitat incentive programs to landowners and by prioritizing lands for acquisition. Finally, development and implementation of a forest management plan is recommended to ensure continued viability of the site to forest breeding birds.

Additional Information: Site Report
Birders at Beaver Swamp WMA
Birders at Beaver Swamp WMALaurie Pettigrew for NJ F&W