Trail Guides
Stainton Wildlife Refuge

Bay Avenue, Ocean City, NJ
Phone: (609) 399-6111

OWNER:  City of Ocean City

DIRECTIONS:  Travel north on CR 619/Central Ave. for 2.8 miles and turn Left onto 34th St. Travel 1⁄4 mile and turn Right onto CR 656/Bay Ave. Continue for approximately 1⁄2 mile, the Refuge platform will be on your Right, opposite the Ocean City Municipal Airport.   Map
ACCESS AND PARKING:  Open daily from dawn to dusk. Parking alongside the road, with additional parking across the street at the airport.

SITE DESCRIPTION:  This freshwater marsh in a suburban setting is a very young wildlife refuge and bears watching in the coming years. It is well situated and has the potential to grow into a wonderful roost area for many wading birds and shorebirds. Visitors are currently rewarded with close-up views of many wading birds from an easily accessible viewing platform. In spring and summer endangered Least Tern and Black Skimmer hunt in the freshwater marsh. The Refuge also attracts a number of migrating shorebirds in spring and fall.

Ideal for BeginnersParkingViewing Blinds/Platforms