Plan Your Trip
Pine Barrens Resources

The information listed below is just a handful of the many Pine Barrens Resources available to help research the area and its wildlife while planning your visit.  

For more background information on wildlife watching in New Jersey, visit New Jersey Audubon at www.njaudubon.org or New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection at www.state.nj.us/dep. You can download species check lists of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians at www.nj.gov/dep/fgw/chklists.htm.


A Field Guide to the Pine Barrens of New Jersey
Howard P. Boyd 
Plexus Publishing, Medford, NJ.  1991

A Pine Barrens Odyssey
Howard P. Boyd
Plexus Publishing, Medford, NJ.  1997

Natural Places of Gloucester County
Gloucester County Nature Club
Gloucester County Nature Club, Sewell, NJ.  2007

New Jersey Pinelands - Threatened & Endangered Species
Pinelands Preservation Alliance, G. Russell Juelg
Pinelands Preservation Alliance, Southampton, NJ.  2002

Pine Barrens - Ecosystem & Landscape
Edited by Richard T. T. Forman
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.  1998

The Vegetation of the New Jersey Pine Barrens
John W. Harshberger
Dover Publications, NY.  1970
