Trail Guides
Memorial Lake

S. Main Street, Woodstown, NJ 08098
Phone: (856) 769-1375

OWNER:  Borough of Woodstown

DIRECTIONS:  Go back down Church Landing Rd. to Route 49 and turn Left. Follow Route 49 for 1.8 miles and turn Right onto Route 40 East. Follow 40 East for approximately 4 miles as it crosses over Interstate 295 and through several traffic lights. Shortly after Route 40 joins with Route 48, turn Left onto CR 646/Auburn Rd. After 0.6 miles, turn Right onto Featherbed Lane. Take Featherbed Lane to the end, and turn Right onto CR 620/King’s Highway. After 1.8 miles, turn Left onto Route 40 and follow until Route 40 joins with Route 45. Turn Left at the traffic light onto Route 40/45 and you will enter the town of Woodstown. Turn Right onto Main Street. After 1/2 of a mile, turn Right onto Asbrook Ave. and park in small lot in front of lake.   Map
ACCESS AND PARKING:  Open daily from dawn to dusk. Small parking area available on site.

BullfrogBill Garwood
SITE DESCRIPTION:  Memorial Lake sparkles in the midst of quaint Woodstown. Aptly named, the surrounding park features several war and public service memorials. Park benches allow you to rest and quietly observe the local wildlife. A pair of Bald Eagles resides in the area and the pair or their offspring often visit the lake to fish.

Winter:  After an evening snow shower, tracks of opossum, raccoon, or squirrel may be found. Canada Geese and Mute Swan spend the winter on the lake. Great Horned Owl calls can be heard in the evening, which may indicate a resident pair keeping contact with one another.
Spring:  Swallows dive for insects above the pond while painted turtles sun themselves on the shallow banks. Tiny turtles can be seen swimming in the shallow areas. Great Blue Heron fish along the ravine; while Mallard ducks and Canada Geese swim in the lake with their young later in spring.
Summer:  Large shade trees surround the lake, creating pleasant wildlife viewing conditions. The trees also supply habitat for nesting birds. Nests may be difficult to find in the dense leaves, so listen carefully for the tell-tale chirping of chicks when an adult returns with food. Scan the surrounding area for perched Bald Eagle or Osprey, which may swoop across the lake at any moment hoping to catch fish.
Fall:  As the weather becomes cooler, migratory songbirds ready themselves for their journeys south. Wintering residents, such as Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, and American Goldfinch, start to flock together to feed. Reptiles and amphibians prepare to hibernate. Monarch butterflies pass through the area, nectaring on wildflowers as they migrate to Mexico.

Handicapped AccessMotorcoachParking