Trail Guides
Stathems Neck Road Parking Area - Bayside Tract Preservation Site
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Stathems Neck Road, Greenwich, NJ Phone: (888) 627-7437
Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)
Turn around and return up CR 660
to the first intersection (approximately 2 miles). Turn Right onto CR 623/Causeway Rd. After
0.6 miles, bear Right onto CR 639/Gum Tree Corner Rd. Continue on CR 639 for approximately 1.7 miles to the first intersection. This is Stathems Neck Rd. Turn Right onto Stathems Neck Rd. and after approximately 1 mile,
there will be a small parking area on your Right. Map Open daily from dawn to dusk. Numerous parking areas available.
Northern Mockingbird | Kevin Karlson |
| | Park only in designated PSEG parking areas. Do not trespass in active farmland. PSEG has constructed a number of off-road parking areas such as this one as part of its Estuary Enhancement Program. You will pass
several more of these parking areas on this trail, which travels along the border of the PSEG Bayside Preservation Tract. On the other side
of the road at each such site there are usually fallow fields and/or farmlands. It is worthwhile to scan these fields for wildlife. Deer are abundant in this area as are fox, raccoon, skunk and groundhog. From late fall through early spring certain of these fields are the daytime feeding grounds of thousands of Snow Geese. Wild Turkey are also common.
In addition to scanning the adjoining fields, a walk along the edge of the road may yield some great bird sightings. In spring, these forests
along the Bayshore become a “trap” for migrating birds, because they are the first landfall for birds after they have crossed Delaware Bay on their way north. Many of the birds stop and then
continue on their migrations, others set up
residences here.