Fries Mill Road, Clayton, NJ Phone: (856) 629-0090
NJ Department of Environmental Protection
From Scotland Run Park, turn Right onto Academy Street, and then Right at the traffic light onto Fries Mill Road. After 1.1 miles turn Left into the parking area for Glassboro WMA, across from Whitney Way. DIRECTIONS FROM NEAREST HIGHWAY: From Route 55, take exit 45 and proceed North on Route 553/ Buck Road. After 1.2 miles turn Right on Clayton/Aura Road. After 1.2 miles turn slight Left onto CR 610/Academy Street. After 2.2 miles turn Left on Fries Mill Road. After 1.1 miles the parking area for Glassboro WMA will be on the Left. Map It is a WMA, so it’s WILD. See information elsewhere in this brochure. Open daily from dawn to dusk. Limited parking. Another entrance to this WMA is from Carpenter Avenue, an unmarked road off of Route 47/Delsea Drive, 1.6 miles South of Route 322.
Toward the east end of Carpenter Avenue on the South side of the Road is a burned area. This area can be very good for Eastern Bluebirds, nesting woodpeckers, Indigo Bunting, Blue-winged and Prairie Warblers, Yellow-breasted Chat, Black-billed Cuckoo, and Red-eyed Vireo.
Multiple visits will be necessary to explore the many walking paths through the woods, along stream sides and into fields.
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Northern-Fence-Lizard | Tony Geiger |
Glassboro WMA is 2,337 acres of low deciduous swamp forest with streams, ponds, one electric and two gas line rights-of-way, and some cleared fields. A network of sandy dirt roads, some closed to vehicle traffic, offers many viewing opportunities in different habitats. This is a good “birding by ear” destination most of the year because of the dense understory of mountain Laurel, blueberry, wild azalea, sweet pepperbush and other shrubs, as well as ferns and some wildflowers. Patience is rewarded and good "edge" birding is possible. When gates are open, a vehicle can be utilized as a bird blind and insect shield.
Visit early morning in spring for rare and beautiful migrants including. Scarlet Tanager, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Black and White and Prothonotary Warblers, Northern Parula, Indigo Bunting, and American Redstart, to name a few.
Wintering species include Screech and Barred Owls, both Kinglets, Hermit Thrush, Winter Wren, Brown Creeper, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker other woodpeckers, and several common species of sparrows. Viewing is easy with the denuded trees. Canada, Magnolia, Pine, Hooded, Worm-eating, and many other migrant and breeding warblers abound. Thrushes. Spring flowers and flowering shrubs are plentiful. Spring peeper, gray treefrog, fowlers toad, and wood frog are among amphibians to listen for Bobwhite, Ovenbird, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Baltimore and Orchard Oriole, Kentucky Warbler, and vireos. may also be found with patience and a sharp ear. Fledged young are abundant but insects become numerous so bring repellant. Butterflies such as Spicebush and Tiger Swallowtail are often easily seen on the dirt roads. Black rat snake, ribbon snake, fence lizard, and box turtle are among reptiles commonly found here. This is a popular deer hunting area. Exercise caution and wear bright colors. Migrants are on the move. Keep an eye out for Wild Turkey. Red and Gray squirrels and chipmunks begin caching food. This is a good time of year to try to glimpse flying squirrels at dusk or on moonlit nights.