209 Barclay Lane, Cherry Hill, NJ Phone: (856) 795-6225 www.barclayfarmstead.org/
Cherry Hill Township
This is the first site on the trail. Map Open for public tours by appointment only. For more information, visitors can contact (856) 795-6225 or info@barclayfarmstead.org.. Closed on all Township Holidays. Small fee for non-residents of Cherry Hill.
A guided trail begins behind the farmhouse. Be sure to pick up the accompanying map/brochure inside.
Another section of the Barclay Farm, located just South and East of the museum farmstead, is also owned by Cherry Hill Township and open to the public. It features a small system of trails through meadow and field habitat. To reach this park, exit the parking area by the farm house and turn Right onto Barclay Lane. After 0.3 miles turn Right onto West Gate Drive, then Left onto Route 70/ Marlton Pike. After 0.4 miles, bear Right, following signs for Brace Road/Route 154 South. Turn Left at the traffic light onto Brace Road/Route 154 South. After 1.3 miles turn Left onto Bortons Mill Road, then Right into the parking area.
Barclay Farmstead | Tony Geiger |
| | The 32-acre Barclay Farmstead has a rich history dating back to1684 through the ownership of four different families, including Joseph W. Cooper, a sixth generation descendant of the founder of Camden. Today, this site features a forge barn, springhouse, kitchen garden, corn crib, orchard, community garden plots and picnic areas. Well maintained and signed trails explore meadow, wetland, pond and upland habitat. Tours of the 1816 farm house, special events and programs are regularly scheduled. Call ahead for details.
The wonderful assortment of wildflowers blooming in late summer and early fall, and the variety of butterflies that visit them.
Scan the meadows and wetlands around the farmhouse for Swamp, Song, Field, White-throated and Savannah Sparrows. Mixed flocks of Grackles, Red-winged Blackbirds, Brown-headed Cowbirds and Starlings feed in the garden plots. Watch for gray squirrels and cottontail rabbits. Migrant songbirds include Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Indigo Bunting and a variety of vireos and warblers. Flowering dogwood and black cherry bloom in the meadow. Red maple, sweet gum, box elder and river birch blossom in the woods. Spring peepers call in the wetlands. Spring beauty and trout lily are among wildflowers. Carolina and House Wrens chatter noisily as they defend their nestlings. Look for painted turtles, green frogs and bull frogs around the pond and tadpoles near the water's surface. The orange flowers of jewelweed adorn the edge of the marsh. Cinnamon fern and Lycopodia cover the lowland forest floor. Raccoons and opossums are active at dusk. Butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, katydids, moths and a variety of other insects thrive in the meadows and gardens. Goldenrods and Asters bloom in the meadows and butterflies are still plentiful through October. Scan woodland edges for Cedar Waxwing, Goldfinch, and Rufous-sided Towhee, among other fall migrants. Woodchucks, chipmunks and gray squirrels gather seeds and nuts. Check the pond for Mallard and the occasional Great Blue Heron. Barclay Farmstead hosts an Annual Living History Day in October.