Friendship Agreement
between the Bird Observatories of:
This Friendship Agreement provides the framework for mutual cooperation between New Jersey Audubon Society’s Cape May Bird Observatory, (New Jersey, USA), Falsterbo Fågelstation (Sweden), Spurn Bird Observatory (UK) and Bird Studies Canada’s Long Point Bird Observatory (Ontario, Canada). This document outlines the relationship between the respective bird observatories to further our knowledge and wonder at the birds, wildlife, habitat and people using each site through the seasons and for the mutual benefit of the observatories.
The four bird observatories aim to achieve the following goals:
1. To foster, encourage and collaborate on broad comparative studies of selected bird populations and associated conservation priorities.
2. To share knowledge, experience and best practices in bird observatory operations and management.
3. To increase awareness between members, and among the broader international public, of the mission and accomplishments of our respective bird observatories.
4. To implement a Young Professional Exchange scheme, supporting young ornithologists to visit and experience the work of our respective observatories, and helping to promote global youth birding relations.
The Friendship Agreement will be supported by regular communications between senior representatives of each observatory.
The Friendship Agreement will be reviewed annually and can also be reviewed at any time at the request of any one of the four observatories.