NJ Audubon was founded in 1897

Our Vision

A future where people and nature thrive together.

Our Mission

Inspire and empower people to care for nature throughout New Jersey and beyond.

Our Strategies

• Grow inclusive communities of nature supporters through our centers, sanctuaries, and events.
• Create and encourage model habitats that benefit wildlife, particularly birds and native species.
• Use science and observations to inform and prioritize conservation actions.
• Deliver educational programs, activities, and media that inspire people to care for nature.
• Advance practices and policies that preserve habitat, wildlife, and biodiversity.
• Collaborate with a network of partners to extend our knowledge, reach, and impact.

Our Values

Genuine Appreciation
We celebrate nature, diversity, and progress toward a brighter future.

Unwavering Commitment
We focus on our mission and overcome challenges together.

Inclusive Communities
We foster welcoming spaces and embrace diverse perspectives.

Lifelong Learning
We strive to understand the science of how people can impact nature.

Sustainable Growth
We invest our resources wisely to expand our relevance and impact.

Alex Ireland, Ph.D.
President and CEO

Kimberly Armenti
Vice President of Development and Communications

Mark Carmichael
Chief Financial Officer

Kelly Wenzel
Interim Director of Stewardship

David Mizrahi, Ph.D.
Vice President of Research and Monitoring

Brett Ewald
Director of Cape May Bird Observatory

Allison Mulch
Director of Education

New Jersey Audubon Board of Directors

Executive Committee
Rich Kauffeld, Board Chair
Merideth S. Mueller-Bolton, DMin, 1st Vice Chair
David H. Hall, PhD, 2nd Vice Chair
Dana Pogorzelski, Treasurer
Kathy Horn, Secretary

Joseph L. Basralian, Esq.
Jason Bigler
Kathrin Bergin
Alan Crawford
Gordon L. Keen, Jr.
Angela Ortiz
Veda Truesdale
Michael J. Van Wagner
Paula Vuksic
Elizabeth Wendy Wilkes
Philip H. Witt, PhD, ABPP

Stephen R. Buckingham, Esq., Board Counsel