Hovnanian Sanctuary is our largest South Jersey sanctuary at 512 acres and is located at the northern end of the Pinelands Preservation Area. Located west of Toms River, the property offers visitors an opportunity to view the native plants and animals unique to the New Jersey Pine Barrens.
Sunrise to Sunset
From North Jersey, take the Garden State Parkway south to Exit 80. Turn right at the stop sign off the exit ramp (Double Trouble Road). After 100 feet bear left at the fork in the road to Dover Road (Route 530). Drive west approximately 1.5 miles to the parking area on the right. There are no facilities for this site.
From South Jersey, take the Garden State Parkway north to Exit 74 and proceed west on Route 614 (Lacey Road). At Dover Road turn right and cotinue along Dover Road, throught the traffic light at Pinewald-Keswick Road, to the parking area on the left side of the road. If you get to the light at Davenport Road you have passed the parking area. There are no facilities for this site.
Things To Do
- Walking
- Nature Study
- Photography
About the Hovnanian Sanctuary
The nature sanctuary is representative of upland forests and lowland wetlands found in the Pine Barrens. These habitats contain many unique Pine Barrens plants including the Pine Barrens Sandwort, Swamp Azalea, Sheep Laurel and Turkeybeard.
NJA is preparing to begin restoration activities at this site. In addition to managing the forests for existing native plants and animals, NJA will also be restoring an Atlantic White Cedar swamp just north of the main parking area.
Hovnanian Sanctuary is home to a number of rare wildlife species including the Pine Barrens tree frog, Eastern box turtle, American Kestrel and Sharp-shinned Hawk. Red squirrel, fence lizard, chorus frog, Eastern hognose snake, Common Nighthawk, Golden-crowned Kinglet and Pine Warbler are some of the other wildlife species found on site.
Help us add to the wildlife list at this sanctuary.
Email: [email protected] with your wildlife sightings.
NJAS is seeking volunteers and Eagle Scouts to help with trail maintenance.
Email: [email protected]