View From The Cape

A Meadows Morning – June 24, 2022

Leaders: Chris Marks, Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard, Adehl Schwaderer Temp: 72° F Winds: 0-2 mph Weather Conditions: overcast 40 species Species Count Canada Goose 42 Mute Swan 4 Wood Duck 1 Mallard 32 Mourning Dove 4 Chimney Swift 2 American Oystercatcher 4 Semipalmated Plover 2 Piping Plover 1 Killdeer 3…...

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Bird Walk for all People – July 23, 2022

Leaders: Chris Marks, Mary Watkins, Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard, Adehl Schwaderer Temp: 69° F Winds: 0-2 mph Weather Conditions: overcast 43 species Species Count Canada Goose 31 Mute Swan 62 Mallard 12 Black Scoter 1 Mourning Dove 4 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 2 Chimney Swift 2 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1 American Oystercatcher 2…...

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Birds Before Beach – June 21, 2022

Leaders: Brian Moscatello, Shaun Bamford, Ruth Bergstrom, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions: 23 species Species Count Mute Swan 45 Mallard 2 American Oystercatcher 2 Killdeer 1 Laughing Gull 50 Herring Gull 20 Great Black-backed Gull 25 Least Tern 5 Forster’s Tern 6 Double-crested Cormorant 12 White Ibis 1 Osprey…...

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Birding the Meadows – June 20, 2022

Leaders: Karen Thompson, Mary Watkins Temp: 68° F Winds: Weather Conditions: sunny Another beautiful day with temps in the high 60’s, low wind, and sunny skies. Highlights of the walk included a Common Raven, Little Blue Heron and just hatched Least Tern chicks.  A dead Great Shearwater was at the…...

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Spring Birding at Garrett Family Preserve – June 18, 2022

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Roger Horn, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: 71° F Winds: NW 15 mph Weather Conditions: sunny Garrett Preserve served up some of its breeding birds this morning. We heard several Yellow-breasted Chats before finding one sitting up and scopable. The Indigo Buntings were even more cooperative, providing multiple good…...

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Birding the Meadows – June 13, 2022

Leaders: Karen Thompson, Chris Marks, Mary Watkins, Dave Pollard Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions: We started out with clouds but eventually the sun emerged.  Temperature was in the 70s with no real winds. A group of 16 Black Skimmers was resting on the beach, which was a surprise at this site.…...

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Sunset Beach: A Place for all Seasons – June 12, 2022

Leaders: Mary Watkins, Bert Hixon, Ruth Bergstrom, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: 71° F Winds: S 4 mph Weather Conditions: 42 species Species Count Mallard 2 Ruddy Duck 1 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 3 Mourning Dove 2 Chimney Swift 4 Clapper Rail 6 Laughing Gull 35 Herring Gull 1 Great Black-backed Gull…...

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Spring Birding at Garrett Family Preserve – June 11, 2022

Leaders: Karen Thompson, Alan Crawford, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions: 35 species Species Count Mourning Dove 3 Chimney Swift 6 Laughing Gull 4 Herring Gull 1 Great Black-backed Gull 1 Forster’s Tern 2 Double-crested Cormorant 1 Great Egret 1 Snowy Egret 1 Green Heron 1 Black Vulture 2 Turkey…...

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Bird Walk for all People – June 9, 2022

Leaders: Chris Marks, Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard, Mary Watkins Temp: 75° F Winds: WSW 5-8 mph Weather Conditions: clear 35 species Species Count Mute Swan 48 Mallard 23 Mourning Dove 3 Chimney Swift 4 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1 American Oystercatcher 4 Killdeer 2 Herring Gull 4 Great Black-backed Gull 8 Common…...

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Birding the Meadows – June 6, 2022

Leaders: Mary Watkins, Ruth Bergstrom, MJ Roach, Bill Roach, Alan Crawford Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions: 44 species Species Count Canada Goose 24 Mute Swan 2 Gadwall 2 Mallard 18 Mourning Dove 6 Chimney Swift 2 American Oystercatcher 5 Black-bellied Plover 2 Killdeer 2 Semipalmated Sandpiper 140 Short-billed Dowitcher 2 Greater…...

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