View From The Cape

NJ Audubon Eco-Travel LOUISIANA CAJUN COUNTRY April 23-30, 2024 With Scott Barnes and Dave Irons.

Tour report by Scott Barnes. This cooperative Bachman’s Sparrow was one of many highlights of the NJ Audubon Louisiana Cajun Country tour led by Scott Barnes and Dave Irons. Our birding began in the vast Atchafalaya Swamp—filled with glowing Prothonotary Warblers and Mississippi Kites sweeping through the skies. Kentucky and…...

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Birding Cape May Point – July 20, 2024

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Roger Horn, Holly Lemieux, Mark Lemieux Temp: 72° F Winds: SE 3 mph Weather Conditions: mostly cloudy The State Park is full of the summer sounds of Purple Martins, Least and Forster’s Terns, Indigo Buntings and Field Sparrows. We had great looks at all of those, plus…...

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A Meadows Morning – July 19, 2024

Leaders: Chris Marks, Dave & Lynn Pollard, Barry Hershfeld, Dennis McKane Temp: 75° F Winds: NW 7-10 mph Weather Conditions: clear 43 species Species Count Canada Goose 3 Mute Swan 1 Mallard 14 Mourning Dove 6 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 2 American Oystercatcher 6 Killdeer 1 Whimbrel 8 Short-billed Dowitcher 1 Spotted…...

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Bird Walk for all People – July 18, 2024

Leaders: Dave & Lynn Pollard, Mary Watkins Temp:  Winds: Weather Conditions: Humid and Birdy! 42 species Species Count Canada Goose 12 Mute Swan 6 Mallard 11 Black Scoter 2 Mourning Dove 6 Chimney Swift 2 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 1 American Oystercatcher 2 Killdeer 2 Greater Yellowlegs 7 Laughing Gull 15 Great…...

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Forsythe (Brigantine) NWR – July 13, 2024

We had an excellent day’s birding at Forsythe (Brig) NWR on July 13. No rain, low numbers of greenheads, and plenty of birds. We tallied 18 species of shorebirds including 2 American Avocets, 48 Whimbrels, 3 Stilt Sandpipers, and Wilson’s Phalarope. Other cool stuff included Least Bittern, White-faced Ibis, and…...

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Birds Before Beach – July 16, 2024

Leaders: Brian Moscatello, Shaun Bamford, Bernie Hodgdon, Ruth Bergstrom Temp: 78° F Winds: SW 9 mph Weather Conditions: Sunny Good view of a singing Indigo Bunting at the hawkwatch platform, close flyby American Oystercatcher, a surprising Black Scoter hanging out with a Laughing Gull, and participants that lingered were treated…...

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Birding the Meadows – July 15, 2024

Leaders: Bill Boyle, Karen Thompson, MJ Roache, Ruth Bergstrom Temp: 79° F Winds: 0 mph Weather Conditions: Sunny The Least Terns have had a good nesting season, with a number of near fledglings seen. Two American Oystercatcher chicks have managed to survive and are near fledge stage. 28 species Species…...

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Birding the Ocean City Rookery – July 12, 2024

Leaders: Shaun Bamford, Chris Marks, Mary Watkins Temp: 74° F Winds: S 10-15 mph Weather Conditions: rain showers 19 species Species Count American Oystercatcher 3 Laughing Gull 16 Herring Gull 4 Great Black-backed Gull 4 Forster’s Tern 3 Yellow-crowned Night Heron 12 Black-crowned Night Heron 48 Little Blue Heron 5…...

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A Meadows Morning – July 12, 2024

Leaders: Chris Marks, Dave & Lynn Pollard, MJ Roache, Holly Lemieux Temp: 72° F Winds: ENE 5-6 mph Weather Conditions: rain, storms 25 species Species Count Semipalmated Plover 1 Spotted Sandpiper 1 Lesser Yellowlegs 8 Willet (Eastern) 1 Greater Yellowlegs 6 Least Sandpiper 6 Semipalmated Sandpiper 38 Laughing Gull 8…...

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Birds Before Beach – July 9, 2024

Leaders: Brian Moscatello, Shaun Bamford, Bernie Hodgdon, Ruth Bergstrom Temp: 74° F Winds: SSE 5 mph Weather Conditions: mostly sunny with fog Good looks at a Black-crowned Night Heron, close shorebirds, and a small group of Snowy Egrets. 36 species Species Count Canada Goose 12 Mute Swan 20 Mallard 20…...

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