CMBO Field Trip Reports

Coastal Birding at Stone Harbor Point – January 9, 2021

Leaders: Chris Marks, Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard Temp: 42° F Winds: 9-14 mph NW Weather Conditions:   Stone Harbor Point – 12:44pm 21 species Species Count Common Eider 1 Surf Scoter 45 Black Scoter 60 Long-tailed Duck 6 Semipalmated Plover 3 Ruddy Turnstone 1 Sanderling 45 Dunlin 125 Purple Sandpiper…...

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Birding Cape May Point – January 9, 2021

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Bernie Hodgdon, Kyle Chelius Temp: 32° F Winds: 15-20 mph NNW Weather Conditions: Sunny Ponds and feeders held the birds on this windy, cold day. There are a good variety of ducks on Lily Lake and the State Park ponds. CMBO’s feeders were full at the Northwood…...

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Sunset Beach: A Place for all Seasons – January 3, 2021

Leaders: Ruth Bergstrom, MJ Roache Temp: 42° – 49° F Winds: 9 mph NE Weather Conditions: Steady rain and wind   24 species Species Count Canada Goose 2 Mute Swan 7 Gadwall 12 Mallard 2 Northern Pintail 7 Surf Scoter 5 Black Scoter 8 Mourning Dove 1 Sanderling 10 Greater…...

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Birding Cape May Point – January 2, 2021

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: Winds: 10-15 NE Weather Conditions: Cloudy, on and off drizzle Though it was great to see a variety of ducks, including the American Coot below, and to listen to the frequently calling Red – shouldered Hawk, it was really the flock of about 25…...

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Kick Off Your Year List – January 1, 2021

Leaders: Brett Ewald, Chris Marks, Mary Watkins, Alan Crawford Temp: 45° Winds: 5-10 WNW Weather Conditions: Overcast, rain starting early afternoon   Cape May Point State Park – Hawkwatch Platform 9:11 am 29 species Species Count Canada Goose 24 Mute Swan 17 Tundra Swan 2 Northern Shoveler 5 Gadwall 30…...

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Sunset Beach: A Place for all Seasons – December 13, 2020

Leaders: Mary Watkins, MJ Roache, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions:   Beautiful morning at Sunset Beach and the Magnesite plant…hard to believe it’s mid-December! Highlights included black and surf scoters, great egret, and golden-crowned kinglet. 31 species Species Count Mute Swan 2 Mallard 6 American Black Duck 3 Green-winged…...

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Harlequin Romance – December 12, 2020

Leaders: Melissa Roach Temp: 57F Winds: South winds 10-13mph (gusts up to 22) Weather Conditions: Cloudy, cool, and windy. The day started with dark, overcast skies with a period of heavy fog, but became mostly cloudy with some blue sky later. Barnegat State Park Lighthouse – 9:55 a.m. 22 species Species Count Brant…...

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Birding Cape May Point – December 12, 2020

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Kyle Chelius Temp: 50° F Winds: S 0-5 mph Weather Conditions: cloudy   45 species Species Count Canada Goose 15 Mute Swan 45 Tundra Swan 3 Northern Shoveler 14 Gadwall 44 American Wigeon 30 Mallard 35 Northern Pintail 5 Ring-necked Duck 20 Long-tailed Duck 1 Bufflehead 12…...

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Birding Cape May Point – December 5, 2020

Leaders: Kathy Horn Temp: 42° F Winds: NW 30-35 mph Weather Conditions: Rain – Light to Heavy   44 species Species Count Canada Goose 18 Mute Swan 65 Tundra Swan 3 Blue-winged Teal 1 Northern Shoveler 14 Gadwall 75 American Wigeon 48 Mallard 35 Northern Pintail 15 Green-winged Teal 30…...

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Brigantine and Mott’s Creek Special Field Trip 11/28/20

Leaders: Chris Marks, Barb Bassett, and Mary Watkins Temp: 54° F – 58° F Winds: West 2-10 mph Weather Conditions: partly cloudy   44 species Species Count Brant 2500 Canada Goose 150 Mute Swan 2 Tundra Swan 3 Northern Shoveler 60 Gadwall 40 Mallard 50 American Black Duck 150 Mallard…...

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