In the February 2021 edition of The Wildlife Society’s prestigious Journal of Wildlife Management, the first of several research papers associated with the Northern Bobwhite Restoration Initiative will be published. The Northern Bobwhite Restoration Initiative was initiated in 2014 by New Jersey Audubon and brought together project collaborators Pine Island…...
Tracking Stations in Brazil
NJ Audubon and its partners from Tulane University, the University of Para, CEMAVE (Brazil’s bird management and conservation agency) and ICMBio (Brazil’s protected area management agency) installed the first two automated tracking stations in Brazil. These stations will detect transmissions from Semipalmated Sandpipers (SESA) marked with digital VHF radio tags. …...
Major Milestones at the Banding Station
The last week has been very busy for New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory (CMBO) in partnership with Cellular Tracking Technologies (CTT), Cornell University and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Our first deployment of LifeTags™, tiny solar-powered radio transmitters weighing about 0.35g (less than a dollar bill cut in half).…...