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An Evening at Forsythe (Brig) NWR

Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge 800 Great Creek Road, Galloway, NJ, United States

Evening birding at the refuge looking for waders, late shorebirds, and marsh birds. We'll finish by listening for nightjars & owls.  We’ll do a leisurely spin around the wildlife drive looking for late shorebirds, breeding species including Clapper Rail, herons, egrets, Seaside and Saltmarsh Sparrows and finish the trip by listening for Chuck-will’s-widow and Eastern Whip-poor-will. Led by Mike Mandracchia and Hank Burk. Meeting location: 800 Great Creek Rd, Galloway NJ 08205. Forsythe NWR at main lot by headquarters, near the bathrooms. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED COST: $20 Members, $25 Non-members REGISTER HERE

Forsythe (Brigantine) NWR

Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge 800 Great Creek Road, Galloway, NJ, United States

Spring birding at one of the state's best hotspots. Expect good numbers of ducks, long-legged wading birds, plus shorebirds and songbirds. Early May brings many herons, egrets, and shorebirds to the refuge, as well as returning breeding species. We may also find sparrows and other songbirds along the dikes and keep our eyes out for secretive marsh birds like bitterns and rails. Bring lunch and weather appropriate clothing. Led by Mike Mandracchia and Hank Burk. Meeting location: 800 Great Creek Rd, Galloway NJ 08205. Forsythe NWR at main lot by headquarters, near the bathrooms. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED COST: $20 Members, $25 Non-members REGISTER HERE

Forsythe (Brigantine) NWR

Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge 800 Great Creek Road, Galloway, NJ, United States

Spring birding at one of the state's best hotspots. Expect good numbers of ducks, long-legged wading birds, plus shorebirds and songbirds. Mid-April brings many herons, egrets, and shorebirds to the refuge, as well as returning breeding species. We may also find sparrows and other songbirds along the dikes and keep our eyes out for secretive marsh birds like American Bittern and rails. Bring lunch and weather appropriate clothing. Led by Mike Mandracchia and Hank Burk. Meeting location: 800 Great Creek Rd, Galloway NJ 08205. Forsythe NWR at main lot by headquarters, near the bathrooms. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED COST: $20 Members, $25 Non-members REGISTER HERE

Forsythe (Brigantine) NWR

Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge 800 Great Creek Road, Galloway, NJ, United States

Winter birding at one of the state's best hotspots. Expect good numbers of ducks, geese, and swans, plus eagles and other raptors. This can be an excellent time of year at “Brig,” when eagles and other raptors are in evidence, plus large numbers of geese and ducks. We may also find sparrows and other songbirds along the dikes and keep our eyes out for secretive marsh birds like American Bittern and rails. Bring lunch and weather appropriate clothing. Led by Mike Mandracchia and Hank Burk. Meeting location: 800 Great Creek Rd, Galloway NJ 08205. Forsythe NWR at main lot by headquarters, near the bathrooms. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED COST: $20 Members, $25 Non-members REGISTER HERE

Forsythe (Brigantine) NWR

Edwin B Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge 800 Great Creek Road, Galloway, NJ, United States

Spend a winter afternoon birding at "Brig." Expect good numbers of ducks, geese, and swans. We'll end by looking for nocturnal birds. This afternoon trip will begin by looking for wintering waterfowl and birds of prey. Dusk can be an excellent time to see nocturnal species "waking up," and may include rails, American Bittern, and possibly American Woodcock or Short-eared Owl. Bring binoculars and weather appropriate clothing. Led by Mike Mandracchia and Hank Burk. Meeting location: 800 Great Creek Rd, Galloway NJ 08205. Forsythe NWR at main lot by headquarters, near the bathrooms. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED COST: $20 Members, $25 Non-members REGISTER HERE