CMBO Field Trip Reports

Birds of Nummy Island – May 8, 2024

Leaders: Shaun Bamford, Chris Marks, Barry Hershfeld, Kristal Stahler Temp: 77°F Winds: SW 8-10 mph Weather Conditions: partly cloudy Stone Harbor Point – 4:34pm 23 species Species Count American Oystercatcher 3 Black-bellied Plover 2 Semipalmated Plover 2 Short-billed Dowitcher 10 Willet (Eastern) 4 Sanderling 40 Laughing Gull 12 Herring Gull…...

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Migration at the Point – May 8, 2024

Leaders: Brett Ewald, Chris Marks, Brian Moscatello, Barry Hershfeld Temp: 65°F Winds: Weather Conditions: mostly sunny 55 species Species Count Canada Goose 4 Mute Swan 4 Mallard 1 Black Scoter 27 Mourning Dove 14 Chimney Swift 6 American Oystercatcher 2 Black-bellied Plover 2 Killdeer 1 Short-billed Dowitcher 1 Laughing Gull…...

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Exploring Cumberland – May 8, 2024

Leaders: Mary Watkins, Shaun Bamford, Cindy Bamford, Bernie Hodgdon Temp:  Winds: Weather Conditions: Foggy start, but once that burned off, wonderful day of birding. Great encounter with yellow-breasted chat, indigo bunting and common yellow-throat perched up together! Ravens and peregrines came through again. Also, lots of shorebirds. 68 species Species…...

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Hidden Corners of Belleplain – May 7, 2024

Leaders: Shaun Bamford, Mary Watkins, Bernie Hodgdon, Gerry and Chris Dewaghe Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions: Yellow-billed cuckoos everywhere! Great long looks at preening Prothonotary Warbler, and finally, Indigo Buntings! Belleplain SF–HQ & Henkensifkin Rd – 7:30am 22 species Species Count Mourning Dove 2 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 Laughing Gull 8 Turkey…...

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E-Z Birding at Northwood – May 7, 2024

Leaders: Bert Hixon, Alan and Robin Crawford, Ruth Bergstrom Temp: 69°F Winds:   E 12mph Weather Conditions: foggy Finally, a great morning for warblers, with a “baker’s dozen” species in the incredible backyard habitat at the headquarters of the Cape May Bird Observatory. Also seen were multiple Broad-winged Hawks, vireos of…...

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Birding the Meadows – May 6, 2024

Leaders Group 1:  Karen Thompson, John McElroy Leaders Group 2: Bill Roach, Mary Jane Roach, Barry Hershfeld Temp: Winds: Weather Conditions: Group 1 38 species Species Count Canada Goose 2 Mute Swan 2 Gadwall 3 Mallard 8 Mourning Dove 4 Virginia Rail 1 American Oystercatcher 4 Killdeer 4 Semipalmated Plover…...

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Above Par Birding at Cox Hall Creek – May 5, 2024

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Roger Horn Temp: 54°F Winds:   E 12mph Weather Conditions: cloudy Warbler-Neck Season has officially begun! We had a nice mixed flock back on the wetwoods trail which included Pine, Prairie, Black-and- white and Yellow-rumped Warblers, plus Northern Parula and Red-eyed Vireo.  Common Yellowthroats sang in a few…...

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Bird Walk for all People – May 4, 2024

Leaders: Dave Pollard, Lynn Pollard Temp:  Winds: Weather Conditions: 29 species Species Count Canada Goose 1 Mute Swan 14 Mallard 4 Black Scoter 20 American Oystercatcher 7 Laughing Gull 15 Herring Gull 6 Great Black-backed Gull 8 Least Tern 10 Forster’s Tern 6 Snowy Egret 2 Green Heron 1 Great…...

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Spring Birding at the Garrett Family Preserve – May 4, 2024

Leaders: Kathy Horn, Roger Horn, Bernie Hodgdon, Barry Hershfeld Temp: 50°F Winds:   E 13mph Weather Conditions: cloudy The Yellow-breasted Chats are back on territory at the Garrett Preserve with at least three sitting up and singing, or whatever you call the sounds a chat makes! Birds tended to be hunkered…...

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Belleplain Hotspots – May 4, 2024

Leaders: Shaun Bamford, Chris Marks Temp: 52°F Winds: ENE 10-15 mph Weather Conditions: cloudy Belleplain SF – 7:17am 41 species Species Count Canada Goose 3 Wild Turkey 2 Mourning Dove 3 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 3 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 2 Laughing Gull 8 Turkey Vulture 3 Red-bellied Woodpecker 2 Downy Woodpecker (Eastern) 1…...

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