Leaders: Kathy Horn, Roger Horn, Sally Lorbach
Temp: 56°F
Winds: SSE 10 mph
Weather Conditions: overcast
The State Park has gotten positively noisy of late, with Purple Martins, Forsters Terns, American Oystercatchers, Carolina Wrens, Fields Sparrows, and Common Yellowthroats chattering away constantly. Some of them, like the Field Sparrows, Purple Martins and Forsters Terns, were perched up providing excellent views, while others, like Carolina Wrens and Common Yellowthroats were mostly heard but not seen.
41 species
Species | Count |
Canada Goose | 3 |
Mute Swan | 14 |
Mallard | 7 |
Surf/Black Scoter | 7 |
Mourning Dove | 2 |
American Oystercatcher | 6 |
Killdeer | 2 |
Laughing Gull | 13 |
Herring Gull (American) | 10 |
Great Black-backed Gull | 15 |
Forster’s Tern | 45 |
Forster’s Tern photo by Roger Horn |
Red-throated Loon | 1 |
Common Loon | 3 |
Northern Gannet | 1 |
Double-crested Cormorant | 38 |
Great Egret | 2 |
Glossy Ibis | 5 |
Turkey Vulture | 2 |
Osprey (carolinensis) | 4 |
Osprey (carolinensis) photo by Roger Horn |
Bald Eagle | 2 |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | 1 |
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) | 1 |
White-eyed Vireo | 1 |
Blue Jay | 3 |
Fish Crow | 5 |
crow sp. | 1 |
Carolina Chickadee | 4 |
Carolina Chickadee photo by Roger Horn |
Tufted Titmouse | 2 |
Purple Martin | 55 |
Tree Swallow | 7 |
Barn Swallow (American) | 2 |
Carolina Wren (Northern) | 7 |
European Starling | 1 |
Northern Mockingbird | 5 |
American Robin | 1 |
American Goldfinch | 2 |
Field Sparrow | 5 |
Red-winged Blackbird (Red-winged) | 14 |
Brown-headed Cowbird | 5 |
Common Grackle | 4 |
Common Yellowthroat | 7 |
Pine Warbler | 2 |
Northern Cardinal | 3 |