

Montclair Hawkwatch Update – September 19th

Fall migration data collection at the Montclair Hawkwatch began on September 1st, and over the course of the past two weeks, raptor migration activity has steadily been ramping up. On the 1st, two eager Broad-winged Hawks flew southward, leading the charge for future migrants. Until the end of the first…...

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36th World Series of Birding

This weekend marks the 36th World Series of Birding–a 24 hour Easter Egg Hunt for mature eggs of a feathered kind.  Hosted by New Jersey Audubon, played out in New Jersey’s Green Arena.  Over 250 species will be tallied by all participants, a princely sum. As the event’s founder I…...

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Cape May Springwatch

This exciting new migration monitoring project is underway at legendary birding hotspot Cape May, New Jersey. The Cape May Springwatch, a research initiative of New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory, has existed for some time as an exploratory project operated by volunteers. After several years of careful data collection,…...

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Remembering the Great Bacinski – by Pete Dunne

Having just learned about the passing of my long time friend and birding companion, Pete Bacinski. I feel compelled to express my thoughts regarding the passing of this natural history legend.  I first met “The Great Bacinski,” in May, 1977.  Cape May Bird Observatory’s founding director, Bill Clark and I…...

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Costa Rica Trip

The NJ Audubon 2019 Costa Rica trip was another successful and enjoyable visit to this diverse Central American nation. Led by renowned Costa Rican naturalist Charlie Gómez, CMBO Associate Naturalist Mark Garland, and our driver Marco “Niño” Morales (who doubles as an extra birding guide), our group explored a variety…...

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It was proving to be a beautiful day for NJ Audubon’s 1st annual “NJ Young Birders Conference” on March 24, 2019.  As with any first-ever event we were unsure what the turnout would be but were thrilled with having 46 people attend! The event was hosted by the Marine Academy…...

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Break Into Birding

Join CMBO naturalist Chuck Slugg to learn about the basics of birding! Learn where to go to find birds and how to identify them. Discover how to get the most out of field guides and optics. For absolute beginners, backyard birders, and any birder who wants to improve their skills…...

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