

Montclair Hawkwatch Update- November 7th

Strong North winds arrived on the first day of November, clearing away evidence of the fog and drizzle that had persisted the previous week. With these winds came a strong push of migrants. On this day, over 500 Brants flew southeast within view of the platform in several large flocks,…...

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Montclair Hawkwatch Update- October 24th

This week, Turkey Vultures continued to be the most numerous raptor migrant. Notable days for this species were the 21st and 23rd, during which 73 and 43 individuals passed over, respectively. The majority of these individuals caught thermals together in groups of five to twenty birds, often forming dark masses…...

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Montclair Hawkwatch Update- October 10th

The past week at Montclair Hawkwatch has been cool and breezy overall, bringing the season’s first consistent fall weather. On Friday, October 4th, steady northwestern winds and regular gusts helped carry quite a few migrants southward. 488 Canada Geese traveled overhead this day; some in noticeable clean “V” formations, and…...

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Montclair Hawkwatch Update- October 3rd

Weather at the Montclair Hawkwatch has been somewhat erratic lately, with some days bringing chilly breezes and others summertime heat. There has been a bit of precipitation as well, which is much needed given the desiccated leaves on many of the trees and shrubs surrounding the view from the platform.…...

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Cape May Springwatch

This exciting new migration monitoring project is underway at legendary birding hotspot Cape May, New Jersey. The Cape May Springwatch, a research initiative of New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory, has existed for some time as an exploratory project operated by volunteers. After several years of careful data collection,…...

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Surprising increase in monarchs

We had just about given hope of seeing many more monarchs in Cape May Point this year, since we have seen very low numbers over the last week.  Gentle northwest winds on Tuesday brought a modest increase in monarch numbers, to our surprise, and it seemed like numbers were increasing…...

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