Seasonal Research

Avalon Seawatch – Season Wrap-up

A snowy morning on December 11th. And that’s a wrap on another good season!  I’ll briefly go over the last few weeks of the season and then present you with some totals!  Make sure to check out Trektellen for more detailed totals! The final three weeks of the season were…...

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Cape May Hawkwatch End of Season Update – November 30th

Where did the season go? Hard to believe that the 2019 fall season is already over. Those three months flew by! Stay tuned to the end of this post for full season totals and stats. The last chunk of November turned out to be fantastic. For the first time all…...

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Montclair Hawkwatch Update- November 21st

This past week started out on a high note, with 12 migrating Black Vultures passing overhead on the 15th. Although local individuals of both vulture species still appear frequently around the platform at low altitudes, the migrating individuals have trended towards passing south over the ridges to the northwest of…...

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Avalon Seawatch Update – November 17th

As usual, Tom started the week off with excellent numbers and diversity in light to moderate southwest winds.  Monday had brought an excellent flight of Red-throated Loons (2120) and Northern Gannets (4159), as well as a late Blue-winged Teal and a southbound Ruddy Duck.  Also notable were 10 southbound Lesser…...

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Avalon Seawatch Update – November 10

This week got off to an exceptional start, with a whopping 38,000 birds on Monday thanks to northeast winds shifting to southeast over the course of the day.  Easterly or southerly winds in early November is usually a recipe for a major flight!  Not only were there 14,000 each of…...

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Montclair Hawkwatch Update- November 14th

This week at the hawkwatch was notable in regard to non-raptor species. On the 8th, following the previous week’s trend, large numbers of Brants migrated overhead, with the day’s count adding up to 355 individuals. Over 700 Canada Geese passed over as well. Although the 13th brought additional numbers of…...

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Cape May Hawkwatch – November 12th

The standout day this week was without a doubt Friday November 8th. It was a classic fall day in Cape May; brisk northerly winds and cool temperatures. The kind of weather all hawkwatchers look for in the forecast and circle on their calendars. The birds did not disappoint either! Diversity…...

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Montclair Hawkwatch Update- November 7th

Strong North winds arrived on the first day of November, clearing away evidence of the fog and drizzle that had persisted the previous week. With these winds came a strong push of migrants. On this day, over 500 Brants flew southeast within view of the platform in several large flocks,…...

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