Fall is here – that’s right, Morning Flight is starting on Aug. 1st this year, instead of the usual Aug. 16th. We’re trying to better understand and quantify the early season songbird migrants, such as Yellow Warbler and Louisiana Waterthush, to name just a couple. To that end, Andrew Dreelin, this year’s official Morning Flight counter, will be on the dike at Higbee Beach at sunrise – putting names and numbers to anything that flies by (you can also view Morning Flight from the platform on the west side of the gravel road leading to the jetty along the canal, just below the dike) . Along with Tom Reed, the Migration Count Coordinator, he’ll be spending this fall documenting this unique and fascinating phenomenon until November 15. The count usually lasts just a couple hours after sunrise, so get up early and experience it for yourself – and welcome Andrew to the magic that is Cape May while you’re at it!
Cedar Waxwings © Emil Lundahl |
Northern Flicker © Erik Bruhnke